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Monday, March 21, 2016

F@#$ Eldritch Horror Characters: A partial review

It was a NYR to de-abandon this blog with two posts a month, so sometimes we're going to get a clunker!

So more waxing poetic about Eldritch Horror; this time I attempt to answer which characters you should play with!

First up in my character my reviews, 4 of my favorites.  Look for underrated/overrated soonish as well as what the hell were the designers thinking with the musician and the astronomer?

A disclaimer:  I'm not trying to make judgements on how powerful an investigator is, although they're probably pretty powerful if they are one of my favorites.  My rankings are biased to how fun I have playing them.

#1 Ursula downs.

Stats:  Versatile, no 4's but no 1's either.  She also starts with an improvement token for any stat so she can go several directions, spell caster, fighter gate closer.

Powers:  This is where Ursula excels.  Her action doesn't occur all that often, but when you do get to move along an uncharted and take another action she's lightning fast.

Here passive is so frikkin awesome words can hardly do it justice.  She gets a free focus asset once a turn.  Need a re-roll?  Have one for free!  There are so so many encounters and mythos cards that this helps with!

Gear:  Lame.   The improvement token is nice but her item is free clues requiring a specific encounter type and an additional test.  It's better than no gear at all, but she will definitely need help here.

Final word:  Versatile stats and an amazing passive, Ursula fits into virtually every party.  She excels with the Egypt and Antarctica sideboards because she gets to use her uncharted move action often.

#2 Tommy Muldoon.

Stats:  Versatile, no 4's but no 1's either.  Starts with a will improvement token.

Powers:  Pretty marginal.  The the action is pulling a monster with toughness 3 or less to his location.  Every once in a while that's handy (I'm looking at you Yig!) but it's not something you use constantly.  His passive is also marginal, if he is sharing a space with other investigators they get to ignore monsters when resolving encounters.  Also handy once in a while, but over all pretty meh.

Gear:  Awesome awesome awesome.  Tommy gets the best starting weapon in the game, the Carbine Rifle.  +5D strength once a round.

Final word:  The fact is that I probably over rate Tommy because of his gun.   But way too many games start with a ridiculously powerful monster on a gate or an epic monster mystery.  Tommy allows the party to face those monsters  without turns of asset acquisition.  I say, Tommy, like Ursula fits into nearly every party.

#3 Agnes Baker

Stats:  Spell caster heavy with 4 Lore, but no 1's.

Powers:  Pretty good!  Action test lore-1 to gain a spell.  Passive, spend a health to gain +2 lore when resolving a spell affect.

Gear:  Fairly good.  A storm of spirits spell and a a profane tome.  The tome grants a will reroll during combat and storm of spirits substitutes lore for strength during combat.  Her lore combined with her passive makes her a pretty good secondary monster hunter.

Final word:  The stats combined with the powers make her versatile, and I like versatility lots.   She'll probably have to rest a lot though :).  I don't like her nearly as much as Tommy or Ursula but she certainly has a spot in most parties.

#4 George Barnaby

Stats:  Support.  1 Strength has him fleeing monsters all the time.  Even with weapons and improvement tokens he's only going to be a secondary fighter.  3 lore, 4 influence and 3 will make him a credible gate closer ans mystery solver though.

Powers:  Very good.  He discards debts and detains based on a handshake test.  His passive is spend a focus to add +1 to a die roll.

Gear:  Meh.  A pocket watch prevents delays which is awesome when that happens, but the variance of the delay occurrence means that the watch is only adequate.  Same with the investment.  It takes a reckoning to promote the investment to a funding, and then another to promote the funding to the benefit.  The funding results also vary so wildly that an investment is...meh.

Final word:  My favorite support character.  I like that he's not one dimensional, if you need him to attempt other things he can probably step up.   His power is mostly used for removing debts, but it's actually way way better when you can discard a detain instead.

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