John the Redwing fan played again. He's a good sport to take the teasing from rabid Blues fans and I am embarrassed that I momentarily forgot his name. He deserves better from me.
Games: Dice of Cataan
Race for the Galaxy
Dixit X2
Ticket to Ride
Notre Dame
although I didn't win, I did ok, a tactical miscalculation cost me the win in Ticket to Ride, gratz Ryan for sticking it to me.
Dixit was interesting. It's really abstract and creativity based, something that NF is going to stumble through. But tons of jokes with innuendo from the phallic sounding name ensued. Always a plus for a game. There's a part of me that will never graduate junior high school.
Oh and everyone said I did a great Jim Morrison when I sang Jimmy Fallon's version of Reading Rainbow.
I didn't think I had a chance at winning the Ticket To Ride game. I had nothing West of Denver linked up, and was primarily North-South which anyone familiar with railroad games will tell you is a big mistake!
ReplyDeleteThe key ended up being completing five contracts. I didn't think they were going to be enough, but they were!
Also Dixit is AWESOME!
The minute I start to feel bad for John having to put up with us I remember he's a Red Wings fan... ON PURPOSE.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think this is as good a place as any to start the grass roots groundswell of support for David as that lunch room guy on Glee, so start OMG'ing and TMZ'ing him, or whatever that stuff is that gets the limelight pointed in the right direction.