what the hell is this blog anyways?

To the 3 people that will read this...

Expect game reviews and replays from our weekly game. I may also talk City of Heroes, movies, books and whatever else catches my fancy.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Nerdy Friday Recap Nav-ah-gah-door

Games played : Navigator, Dixit, Race for the Galaxy

Navigator:  1 false start then 5 player.  My game got trashed fairly early with a couple of miscalculations.  Mike won handily.  Review forthcoming, I need to play a couple more times to get it.

Dixit: 4 player Dixit.  This game remains amusing.  Mike dropped a hint "1981 AFTER Gettysburg", knowing that only his dad would know the reference.  Turns out Warren is the only one who guessed wrong.  David won this by a lot.  Rasim Frasim.

Race for the Galaxy: 3 players.  Proving that I really know nothing about this game, I won with a VP grind deck playing 2 cards that I despise.  Replicating Robots (4 cost development, -2 cards for settles) and destroyed world (1 cost 0 VP rare element windfall world).  Having a VP cycle worth 12 VP and card helped.


  1. Mixed feelings on "Nav-ah-gah-door". On the one hand, I won, and I know what I did to win, and everyone likes games that they are good at :) But on the other hand, I'm not sure I see any competing strategies. And the end game was strange, in most games when you finally get everything in place and firing on all cylinders, the game ends. In this game it went on and on.

    I will play it again with the same crowd now that we all have experience.

  2. I'm not a big fan, it just seems like another one of these games you guys like that is nothing but a succession of math problems.

    The random elements have a very small role in the outcome of the game. It was a pleasant enough game to be sure, and I'll enjoy playing it again, but I doubt I'll provide a very competitive opponent.

    I did like it when we finally made it to the warmer climes in the Far East though, nothing like the sun on your face on the deck of your ship to make you feel alive!
