what the hell is this blog anyways?

To the 3 people that will read this...

Expect game reviews and replays from our weekly game. I may also talk City of Heroes, movies, books and whatever else catches my fancy.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Nerdy Recap - the day the music died

RIP City of Heroes

quite thankful to play board games instead of watching the game I played for the last 8 years slowly die all night.  I did log on for the last hour, but just chatted and said good-bye to everyone.  Last thing I chatted was "2:02 AM, NC-Soft can't even do that right"

I got a laugh from Quatermain :)

4 player King of Tokyo with the Power Up expansion.

The expansion really makes the game go longer.  There's an incentive to try for hearts when you don't need them which means less claws, and less VP sets.

Warren won, despite foolishly discarding the extra head.  He got a crap load of expansion power ups though.

5 Player Lords of Waterderp

Very close, very tense game.  So close and tense, EVERYONE took way too long on their turns.  I may have hypercritically griped about turn length, but the entire table lagged.

I finished dead last, but I was actually still in it until the last turn.   My game was derailed by having a lot of warfare quests and having only 2 spots for fighter supply.  I did King Make though.  I dropped a mandatory quest on Mike turn 7 that probably cost him 15 points.  This wasn't an F U kingmaking though, I honestly thought I still had a chance and wanted to beat up the leader.

John K. won, with what I consider a brilliant tactical play turn 7.  He went first, played an Intrigue card that let him pull back his agent and go again twice right away.  So he claimed the 2 super buildings available, grabbing 6 dudes and denying them to everyone else.

4 player No Thanks!

Who won?  who cares.  OK Warren probably does since he won the most.

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