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To the 3 people that will read this...

Expect game reviews and replays from our weekly game. I may also talk City of Heroes, movies, books and whatever else catches my fancy.

Monday, February 20, 2012

F$%^ Space Alert Tips: 2 of a million part series.

Serious Threats are still not named Serious to fool you.

Read the F$^%ing card!

Beware Tunnel vision

It’s really easy to get locked in to what you are doing, and it’s really bad when you that’s all you are concerned with.    Try to keep informed of what your teammates are doing.   At least listen when they need help.

Power is not a limiting factor, its actions.  Always actions.

Main power guy really only has 4 actions committed.  1 move to reactor and 3 fuel rod adds.   That leaves 8 actions to help out in other spots!  He can easily help with lower blue or red side power/guns/C buttons.
Furthermore, the ship starts with 7 power.  And even a totally inept chief engineer will add at least 9.  That should be more than enough to handle the threats.  We should think about charging shields in the quiet spots early and then refilling those batteries before the other bad guys appear.


  1. there are lots of times when people are quiet-ish for three actions to start the game.

  2. exactly. lets take my Captaining. Phase 1: You and John head of to solve trouble in blue sector. David is chief engineer. I press C and then do nothing. Warren goes and plays with robots. Wouldn't it have been better if either Warren or I charge the red and white shields then recharge the red battery? just saying.
