what the hell is this blog anyways?

To the 3 people that will read this...

Expect game reviews and replays from our weekly game. I may also talk City of Heroes, movies, books and whatever else catches my fancy.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

F#$% Rapid Fire Greatest hits

Magic the Gathering: After d-bag beat and rubbed JC’s nose in that defeat (he also beat me in the semi finals, but it was close enough that he had no bragging high ground), Ryan countered with a crushing victory and the F$%^ you phrase “I don’t even know what your deck does.”

Basic D&D: More Ryan…We break down the tower door, and Ryan says “Giant Scorpion walks out. The scorpion has flames on it.” Party replies “Wait, is that a giant scorpion on fire or a giant flaming scorpion?”

D&D 2nd Edition: Jason M. announces his character name to the party, “Orcslayer”. JKJN, in disbelief says “Let me get this straight. Your mom, after giving birth to you, looks at her childs face and the first thing that comes to mind is….”; Jason “Orcslayer”

Warhammer Fantasy: I played Sung’s elven army vs. Sean’s Brittonians. There was some autofiring ballista contraption that I got really, really hot dice on and won the match. “I would like to announce my retirement from Warhammer Fantasy while still undefeated”

City of Heroes: Sean, trying to convince me that the super jumping pool is more optimized for my scrapper build because combat jumping gives a defense buff and super jump is quicker than flying. After asking why I won’t even consider respeccing…”BECAUSE BRASS JUSTICE FLIES”

Panzer General: Ryan gave me trouble about buying Pz1A ‘stupid’ tanks for the campaign mode Poland scenario “You don’t need them and much better tanks are coming later.” Only to find out that buying them in Poland saves you $8 when you upgrade in Norway. Next time Ryan played the Poland scenario, he whistled tunelessly while buying 3 stupid tanks.

Desperado: Gencon event. Foregoing the 6 shooter Dapper Dan had, I clubbed 3 bad guys down with his handy “Walkin’ Stick”

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