what the hell is this blog anyways?

To the 3 people that will read this...

Expect game reviews and replays from our weekly game. I may also talk City of Heroes, movies, books and whatever else catches my fancy.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

F#¢& Smallworld


this is a hard review to write because everyone I know but me loves this game.

the Pro's

1) There are about 15 tribes each with a special ability. Each tribe gets matched with one of 15 badges that also have a special ability. That's 225 tribe/badge combinations right there. These combinations are then placed in a queue of 6 whose order matters. That's 1350 game permutations right there, its actually more because tribes are replaced after they are drafted and that order also matters. So the game has replay options.

2) The rules are the most comprehensive and well written you are likely to ever find in a German-style game. It is obvious that extensive play testing went into this game, and any rules clarification we needed was covered; NF never had to infer anything, the exact consequences were ALWAYS spelled out.

the Cons

1 - the core mechanic is incredibly simple. You count the the areas defense value and add 2 for your attackers. You will have between 8-20 attackers, and the goal is to spread out into as many provinces as you can. In my words previously "This is about as interesting as counting to 20 by odd or even numbers"

2 - the pacing. The board needs careful examination because the game is about optimizing how your tribe spreads out. Turns take a long long time. With a quick group a game can take an hour, but let Juan play and we are at 90-120 minutes.

that combination dooms the game in my opinion. I don't mind simple mechanics, No Thanks! has an even simpler one, you count from 3 to 35 and don't even skip the odds or evens! No Thanks ends after 10 minutes, which in Small World terms means Juan is still choosing which tribe to play.

*Be wary of power combos early. That just paints a target on your back, and any 2 player alliance will crush you.
*It is better to send your tribe into decline too early than too late. Getting fresh troops is vital.
*Do not, under any circumstances, be lured into offering Mike C. any advice whatsoever. In all cases you will be blamed for steering him into an ill fated strategy (probably for your own benefit)

Darren's rating 1/10. My friends are nice to me, and this game has been taken out of circulation.


  1. I think once you figure out what you want to do in Smallworld, executing your turn is very quick... but it can take a while to figure out the optimal move, especially with a race that has special movement, like flying.

    i accept smallworld for what it is, and acknowledge before i even sit down that the best player will probably not win because he may end up getting romped by opponents who randomly chooses their victims. But since I'm not the best player, that's a good thing! Once I accept that, i rub my hands together in anticipation of killing stuff.

  2. also - i need to get my turn speed for all games back up into the average range or else darren will make fun of me on the internet.
