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Expect game reviews and replays from our weekly game. I may also talk City of Heroes, movies, books and whatever else catches my fancy.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Freaking City of Hereos - Behavarial Adjustment Facility

The Behavioral Adjustment Facility Trial (BAF) along with the Lamda trial were the first incarnate trials to drop. 

The trial begins with a really long, really annoying cut scene which thankfully in later patches skipped if everyone participating had already seen it.  I usually spent the time catching up on email and checking hockey box scores.  It did spell out the plot though, the BAF is going to release hundreds of mindwashed inmates to cause mayhem.

The setting is the asylum courtyards.  Surrounding the courtyards are towers that shoot at you.  These can be disabled by clicking on computers, but I have never been on a BAF that does that.  Although the towers hurt, the attacks are single target, not AoE, so don't really threaten the team at large. 

So first you do a hunt which at least ends quickly.  Then the Nighstar archvillain (AV) spawns, and she is reinforced every two minutes by new mobs.  Additionally, there is delay activation AoE mez that occurs.  The game will give you two warnings that you're targetted then you, and bunch of people around you become unable move or shoot.  After NS the breakout occurs, at 5 points at the asylum the inmates spawn and flee.  The lieutenant types are resistant to all mezzes and slows.  If 20 escape the trial fails, if none escape everyone gets extra loot!  Then Siege spawns, along with the reinforcing mobs and the AoE mez.  Once Siege is defeated, Siege and NS rez, and you must defeat both of them now within 10 seconds of one another or the defeated one rezzes.  There is a time limit to beat them, usually you have enough time for a 2nd attempt but not a 3rd.

Game play when it dropped:  BAF is tougher than the Lambda trial, it requires actual coordination from the players.  The AV's spawn far away from each other, and a typical BAF pulls them to a central location for their individual defeats, planning ahead for their simultaneous ones.  The escape had the entire league spreading out on top of the spawn points, with a couple players tasked with looking out for runners.  As you levelled up the incarnate path the escape was actually really challenging.  The LT's were hard to hit and nothing slowed them down.  Teams still regularly got the bonus loot, but it was more work for sure.  Overall, it was somewhat challenging while you unlocked new incarnate powers and levels, a well coordinated guild team would have no problems but PuGs failed occasionally.

Game Play Now:  BAF is one of the easy trials players use to farm incarnate drops.  The towers are pretty much neutralized as people found the map spots that they can't reach.  The escape is foiled via choke points, all the spawns run past 2 centralized locations; with the lore pet powers unlocked this is much much easier.  AV's are still pulled so a little patience is required.  As a farm, its comparable to Lambda, takes about a half hour to complete and has the same rewards.

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