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Expect game reviews and replays from our weekly game. I may also talk City of Heroes, movies, books and whatever else catches my fancy.

Friday, January 13, 2012

F$@& Gencon part 3: the plan fails

Gencon Survival Guide Part 3: Mishaps and cancellations

So you’ve browsed the event catalog and got all the things you want to do sorted out, and you have a full schedule and it comes time to buy the tickets.  So you’re driving along, driving along, driving along…


Stupid internet connection, you got locked out of some events you counted on.  Or maybe that event gets cancelled at the show.  Here are some improvisational suggestions.

1)      Lurk.  A lot of events have no-shows, so spots will open up and the GM will take generics to fill out.  Some events the GM will take everyone who shows up.  It’s something to, but a lot of times everyone does show up so you wasted time getting a spot or have to play in an over booked event.  Over booked events generally suck BTW.   If it’s a skirmish game or something like Battlestations, getting a dozen or so players means that it takes FOREVER for it to be your turn.  I like the example of Desperado.  The first year I played it, only 8 players were at the table.  Everyone had a great time, and that’s because everyone got to do a lot.  The following years, the sessions were played with 15-20 people, and those were miserable.  Too much down time.

2)      Dealer’s room.  If the open time block is during dealer hours, this is fairly good choice too.  Most, if not all, of the booths will be happy to demo a game for you.  I avoid dealers room on Saturday because its ass to elbows crowded, and the wait time for demo’s is prohibitive.

3)      Rio Grande room.  Their new releases and some classics will be laid out for demo.  I spent a lot of time in there last year and thought it was a great service.  I found some games I liked (Artus and Olympos) and some that I didn’t like (Pantheon).  It does get crowded on Saturday too, and when they give away buffet food it’s even worse.  But as a boardgamer, this can’t be beat.

4)      Choose your own GM.  Ok that name is paraphrased.  There’s an event who’s description reads “Find a GM and an independent RPG, and start a 4 hour session”.  Or something like that.    I really like this event too, every 4 hours they start up a half dozen new sessions, it’s where I played “Fiasco”, and I really want to go back.  I think they will always accept generic tix.


  1. So who is thinking about going this year?

  2. I am iffy. Considering going to the every other year plan, I may appreciate it more if I don't go every year.
